The MarketPlace is ready to host patents!
At this early point in IPmart’s growth a per patent fee is charged for hosting. As we grow and more patents are in the MarketPlace other revenue models will become available.
Unlocked patents are visible. Locked patents are hosted in the MarketPlace to demonstrate its capabilities to potential clients. Locked patents will unlock and become visible when the owner joins the MarketPlace.
Looking Ahead
Future Plans … we have plenty of these. Our primary goal is hosting patents in the MarketPlace. We will roll out increased functionality as revenue increases and/or we secure financing. We have no shortage of ideas and very much look forward to rolling out more tools for accessing the patented technology. This may include creating “Aisles” within the MarketPlace that, for example, contain patents for License and For Sale . We also look forward to increasing the information available on the HomePage so that visitors get a clearer picture of activity within the marketplace. Again, we look forward to rolling this out as soon as possible.