IPmart provides a Summary (the “Summary”) of and context Information (the “Information”) for a patent, either issued or applied for. The Summary and the Information are collectively known as a patent Record (the “Record”).
The Summary and Record are not, and can not be construed as, a legal opinion. This includes Validity and Infringement opinions. The Summary is created from a plain language reading of the disclosed technology.
The Record does not present any thoughts or opinions on either Validity or Infringement. Further, any and all aspects of the technology presented in the Record can not be considered as or a reflection of Claim construction.
The Record does not necessarily reflect the views of the Inventor(s) or the Assignee. Further, the Record may not reflect information in the file wrapper including, but not limited to the Information Disclosure Statement.
The Information does not constitute and is not intended to be construed as Prior Art for the patent.
The Record may not reflect the current status of the patent including, but not limited to its status, ownership and availability for licensing.
The Record is not intended to be a wholistic view of a technology. There may be other technologies of which IPmart is not aware. The Information is provided as resources around technology that may be related to that of the patent in question.
The Summary and Record are prepared on a “best efforts” basis.
IPmart reserves the right to modify this policy at anytime. Users should visit this page periodically to review any changes.