Our platform simplifies the complex world of patents...

Method of production of nanoporous membranes for water purification from metal ions at low differential pressures
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is the subject of continued research and it is said to have the potential to lower the energy footprint of water purification. Further, the energy footprint of RO is largely a function of the differential pressure

Method and Catalyst for Methane Conversion to Cyclohexane
Cyclohexane is an important intermediary in nylon production. Today, it is produced from benzene, which is produced from petroleum feedstocks. Methane is seen as an interesting alternate feedstock for cyclohexane and, in

Method for burning coal using oxygen in a recycled flue gas stream for carbon dioxide capture
Historically, pulverized coal furnaces are not favourable to the formation of slag, containing coal ash, due to the combustion conditions and temperatures. As such the ash and solid combustion products are particulate and the furnace is

Quasi two-dimensional layered perovskite material, related devices and methods for manufacturing the same
Perovskites are of interest as the active layer within PhotoVoltaic (PV) cells. Here, it is indicated that 2D metal-halide perovskites provide compelling optoelectronic behaviour compared to their 3D counterparts. However, dangling

Apparatus and method for generation of high harmonics from silicon
Extracting information from fast-evolving events requires a probe signal that is shorter in duration than the time of the event. Lasers may be used for optical probes, but they are generally limited to femtosecond timescales. Thus,

Metal-insulator-semiconductor devices based on surface plasmon polaritons
Plasmon waveguides may be used as a modulator or photodetector. Such waveguides are said have either an Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) or Surface Plasmon Polaritrons (SPPs) architecture. In the case of ATR a out-of-plane optical

IPmart’s central vision remains steadfast. A patent provides legal protection around an aspect of technology, ipso facto the technology is central to interest in the patent. Focusing on the technology, instead of a line item or a datapoint with metadata to which one ascribes meaning brings the patent to life. IPmart wants to revolutionize the way we look at patents, bringing them into everyday life, making them accessible, tangible instruments in the economy. We want to bring patents to life!
IPmart’s Framework is central to our vision and our DNA. It too will evolve. We have enhanced capabilities planned in a 2nd generation of this tool. We also have plans for growth to encompass the greater diversity of technologies. Today, IPmart’s Technology Tree is built from the Framework. Today, you can select any branch of the tree see what technology and patents are nearby. Again, there so much more functionality on the drawing board.
With the launch of the new Portal some might think we are done. On the contrary IPmart is only getting started! What you see now and what is in the works is built on a solid, real life summary of the technology. On top of this we built our Framework. It will allow use to dig into analytics and additional tools, to improve the visitor’s and the patent owner’s experience. Continue reading to see how IPmart will move forward. There is much more to come. Stay tuned ...
One central point as we grow; many of the planned tools and analytics become doable as be build our patent database. Thus, they can not be launched at day 1. One idea is presenting a “DatabaseView” Some client’s may simply want to parse the data on their own terms. Rest assured that each patent in the database will have the same Summary, and dynamic information. Analytics is another area of large opportunity and insight. Again, we must get cracking on the patents.
Unlock the potential of your patents with IPmart’s novel, dynamic marketing. IPmart’s goal: make patents relevant and approachable assets within the economy by speaking their language, technology.